Research Areas
Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration
Updated on 2023/01/11
Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration
Senshu University Master's Course Completed
1985.4 - 1987.3
Aichi Gakusen University Lecturer
1991.4 - 1995.9
Aichi Gakusen University Associate Professor (as old post name)
1995.10 - 2007.3
Aichi Gakusen University Professor
2007.4 - 2011.3
Aichi Gakusen University Professor
2011.4 - 2022.3
Function and Activities of the Cramics Commercial Association:Mainly in the Part of the Tono District Befor and After the War Reviewed
Yukitoshi Fujita
56 ( 2 ) 22 - 38 2021.9