Updated on 2025/01/14


Naoki Nomura

Research Interests

  • magnetic separation

  • Environmental radioactivity

  • safety assessment

  • Environmental remediation

  • radiation protection

Research Areas

  • Energy Engineering / Nuclear engineering


  • Osaka University   Department of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering   Graduated

    - 2011.3

Research History

  • Fukui University of Technology   Lecturer

    2019.4 - 2022.3

  • Fukui University of Technology   Associate Professor




  • Investigation on high gradient magnetic separation for CRUD material in nuclear reactor Reviewed

    S. Nishijima, N. Nomura, F. Mishima, T. Sekine

    Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics   26 ( 3 )   8 - 11   2024.9

  • Study on multi-stage magnetic separation device for paramagnetic materials operated in low magnetic fields Reviewed

    F. Mishima, A. Nagahama, N. Nomura, S. Nishijima

    Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics   25 ( 3 )   13 - 17   2023.9

  • Separation of micro-plastics from sea water using electromagnetic archimedes force Reviewed

    N. Nomura, F. Mishima, S. Nishijima

    Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics   25 ( 3 )   13 - 17   2023.9

  • Research and development of new magnetic filter for high gradient magnetic separation Reviewed

    S. Nishijima, F. Mishima, N. Nomura

    Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics   25 ( 3 )   1 - 6   2023.9

  • Development of novel magnetic filter for paramagnetic particles in high gradient magnetic Reviewed

    S.Nishijima, N.Nomura

    Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics   24 ( 3 )   2022.9

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    We are conducting research and development of magnetic filters for magnetic separation targeting paramagnetic materials. In order to develop a new magnetic filter with a large magnetic gradient, stainless fiber (SUS430, 120 mm x 3 mm) with a triangular cross section was sintered with a high void ratio (~70%) and the magnetic filter (20 mm x 2 mm) was created. When this magnetic filter was used to perform magnetic separation of hematite (particle size 50 μm) under a maximum magnetic flux density of 1.49 T, high separation rates were obtained.

  • Magnetic separation device for paramagnetic materials operated in a low magnetic field Reviewed International journal

    F.Mishima, N.Nomura, S.Nishijima

    Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics   24 ( 3 )   2022.9

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    We have been developing a magnetic separation device that can be used in low magnetic fields for paramagnetic materials. Magnetic separation of paramagnetic particles with a small particle size is desired for volume reduction of contaminated soil in Fukushima or separation of iron scale from water supply system in power plants. However, the implementation of the system has been difficult due to the needed magnetic fields is high for paramagnetic materials. This is because there was a problem in installing such a magnet in the site. Therefore, we have developed a magnetic separation system that combines a selection tube and magnetic separation that can separate small sized paramagnetic particles in a low magnetic field. The selection tube is a technique for classifying the suspended particles by utilizing the phenomenon that the suspended particles come to rest when the gravity acting on the particles and the drag force are balanced when the suspension is flowed upward. In the balanced condition, they can be captured with even small magnetic forces. In this study, we calculated the particle size of paramagnetic particles trapped in a selection tube in a high gradient magnetic field. As a result, the combination of the selection tube and HGMS (High Gradient Magnetic Separation-system) can separate small sized paramagnetic particles under low magnetic field with high efficiency, and this paper shows its potential application.

  • Development of novel magnetic separation for paramagnetic particles using the selection tube Reviewed International journal

    N.Nomura, F.Mishima, S.Nishijima

    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity   32 ( 6 )   2022.9

  • Study of microp-plastics separation from sea water with electro-magnetic force Reviewed International journal

    N.Nomura, F.Mishima, S.Nishijima

    IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity   32 ( 6 )   2022.9

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    The method of removing micro-plastics from sea water has been developed using electro-magnetic force. Plastics are difficult to decompose and put a great load on the marine environment. Especially a plastic with a size of 5mm or less is defined as micro-plastics and are carried by ocean currents over long distances, causing global pollution. These are not easily decomposed in the natural environment. The Lorentz force was generated in simulated sea water and its reaction force was applied to the micro-plastic to control their motion. The basic principle of this separation method has already been confirmed by basic experiments. In this study, the magnetic field and current density required to treat seawater containing micro-plastics using a superconducting magnet with a bore diameter of 5cm were investigated by simulation. Plastic particles with a diameter of more than 200 μm were targeted for separation, and various conditions for separation were investigated by simulation. As a result, it was shown that good separation efficiency was obtained under the following conditions: flow velocity of 0.2m/s, electrode size of 150mm, current density of 0.93A/cm2, and applied magnetic field of 3T.

  • Separation of Micro-plasticss from Sea Water Using Lorenz Force

    Naoki Nomura*, Fumihito Mishima, and Shigehiro Nishijima


  • Review of engagement activities to promote awareness of radiation and its associated risk amongst the Japanese public before and after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident Reviewed

    Akihiro Sakoda1,∗, Naoki Nomura2, Yujiro Kuroda3,4, Takahiko Kono5, Wataru Naito6 and Hiroko Yoshida7

    Journal of Radiological Protection   41   1258 - 1287   2021.11

  • Study of micro-plastics separation from sea water with electro-magnetic force Reviewed

    Naoki Nomura*, Fumihito Mishima, and Shigehiro Nishijima

    Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics   23 ( 3 )   10 - 13   2021.9

  • Possibility of applying superconducting high-gradient magnetic separation to volume reduction of cesium-contaminated soil Invited Reviewed

    Yoko Akiyama, Naoki Nomura, Fumihito Mishima,Shigehiro Nishijima,

    Journal of Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan   55 ( 3 )   172 - 178   2020.5

  • Research of Removal of Hazardous Substance by chemical dynamics control and physical processing

    Nomura Naoki


  • Study on Decontamination of Contaminated Soils by Magnetic Separation”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Reviewed

    Kazuki Sekiya , Hiroki Kuwahara , Yuki Yoshida , Susumu Igarashi , Naoki Nomura , Fumihito Mishima , Yoko Akiyama , Shigehiro Nishijima

    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity   2014

  • Fundamental Study on Removal of Arsenic by Magnetic Separation Reviewed

    Naoki Nomura ; Fumihito Mishima ; Yoko Akiyama ; Shigehiro Nishijima

    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity   2012

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  • Activity report from IRPA Practical Guidance for Engagement with the Public on Radiation and Risk working group

  • Separation of Microplastics from Sea Water by Means of Electromagnetic Force International conference

    Naoki Nomura, Shigehiro Nishijima and Fumihito Mishima


  • Development of Novel Magnetic Separation for Paramagnetic Particles using the Selection Tube International conference

    Fumihito Mishima,Naoki Nomura and Shigehiro Nishijima


  • Separation of Micro-plastics from Sea Water Using Lorenz Force International conference

    Naoki Nomura, Fumihito Mishima, and Shigehiro Nishijima


  • Magnetic separation device for paramagnetic materials operated in a low magnetic fields International conference

    Fumihito Mishima,Naoki Nomura, and Shigehiro Nishijima


  • Development of Novel Magnetic Filter for Paramagnetic Particles in High Gradient Magnetic Separation International conference

    Shigehiro Nishijima, Fumihito Mishima, and Naoki Nomura


  • Localization of Micro Plastics Using Magnetic Force Control -Impact of Particle Size on Localization-

    Hiroki Shimoyama. Shigehiro Nishijima. Fumihito Mishima. Naoki Nomura


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