Master(Engineering) Coursework ( 2019.3 Fukui University of Technology )
Updated on 2025/01/07
Master(Engineering) Coursework ( 2019.3 Fukui University of Technology )
Impact oscillation
Nonlinear vibration
Informatics / Mechanics and mechatronics
Fukui University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduated
2013.4 - 2017.3
Fukui University of Technology Department of Applied Science and Engineering Master's Course Completed
2017.4 - 2019.3
Fukui University of Technology Department of Applied Science and Engineering Master's Course Completed
2019.4 - 2021.3
Fukui University of Technology Lecturer
The Japan Society of Mechanicai Engineering
High School Teacher Specialization License
First Kind of High School Teacher License
Simple Suppression Method of Impact Oscillations Between a Pantograph and an Overhead Rigid Conductor Line Reviewed International journal
Naoto Nishiyama, Kiyotaka Yamashita
Perspectives in Dynamical Systems I — Applications 453 387 - 395 2024
Non-planar motions due to nonlinear interactions between unstable oscillatory modes in a cantilevered pipe conveying fluid Reviewed
K. Yamashita, K. Kitaura, N. Nishiyama, H. Yabuno
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 178 ( 109183 ) 2022
Hopf-Hopf interactions in a spring-supported pipe conveying fluid Reviewed International journal
K. Yamashita, N. Nishiyama, K. Katsura, H. Yabuno
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 151 ( 107390 ) 2021
Suppression of impact oscillations in a railway current collection system with an additional ocsillatory system Reviewed
N. Nishiyama, K. Yamashita
Perspectives in Dynamical Systems III: Control and Stability 15 - 22 2021
Effect of the coupled oscillatory system on impact oscillations between a pantograph and a rigid conductor line Reviewed
Transactions of the JSME(in japanese) 86 ( 881 ) 2020.1
Experimental study on the impact oscillations between a two-degree-of-freedom system and a sinusoidally vibrating plate Reviewed
( 49 ) 33 - 40 2019.12
Nonlinear stability of a spring-supported pipe conveying fluid Reviewed
Kiyotaka Yamashita,Naoto Nishiyama,Kohsuke Katsura,Hiroshi Yabuno
Applicable Solutions in Non-Linear Dynamical Systems 539 - 546 2019.12
Science Literacy
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Introduction to PhysicsⅠ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Experiment of Mechanical Engineering
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Career SeminarⅠ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Career SeminarⅡ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Creative ScienceⅠ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Mechanical Experiment and Drawing
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Theme Study
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Career SeminarⅢ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Career SeminarⅣ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Introduction to PhysicsⅡ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Creative ScienceⅡ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology