Updated on 2024/12/12


Wayne Malcolm

Research Areas

  • Others / Others


  • University of Phoenix   Master's Course   Completed

    - 2005.11

Research History

  • Akita University

    2008.4 - 2012.3

  • University of Fukui   Lecturer

    2012.4 - 2018.8

  • Fukui University of Technology   Assistant Professor




  • When We Started Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) as a Way to teach English

    Wayne Malcolm, Richard Kaminski, and Edwin Hart

    Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology   53   228 - 238   2023.4

  • Theories in Practice: Global Competence Advice from Wayne Malcolm Invited

    Wayne Malcolm

    The University Grapevine: For University English Language Teachers   11   6 - 7   2022.9

  • Student Voices Guiding Class Content in a PBL English Classroom Reviewed

    Wayne Malcolm, Christopher Hennessy

    JALT2017 Postconference Publication   1   248 - 254   2018.8

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    At a national university in Japan, the authors developed a cross-department and team-taught project-based learning (PBL) English course. The participants were 2nd-year mechanical engineering and architecture students working in mixed discipline teams. Their goal was to complete various engineering projects while developing critical-thinking skills. The authors will briefly outline the course then describe the components of the research study focusing on (a) grounded theory principled analysis of class participants’ 2014 qualitative data, (b) an explanation of how this analysis informed the classroom instructors to add a critical thinking activity in 2015, and (c) an analysis of participants’ reactions to the critical thinking activity. Finally, the authors will discuss future directions for PBL instruction in an English language teaching context.

    日本の国立大学で、筆者たちは複数学科混合でチーム指導型の英語の課題解決型学習(PBL)の授業を開発した。この授業では、建築と機械工学専攻の2年生の混合グループで、架橋モデル制作などの工学プロジェクトの完成を目指し、クリティカル・シンキング(批判的に考える)能力(critical thinking skills)の開発を目標にした。本論では、最初に当授業の課題解決型学習などの教授法の原理を説明する。そして、研究報告として:(1)2014年前期の初回の授業にて参加学生から収集したジャーナル及びアンケート形式データの、グランデット・セオリー・アプローチに基づく分析、(2)2015年後期に行った二回目の授業にて上記の分析がよりクリティカル・シンキングに焦点を当てた授業内容を発展させるうえで与えた影響についての説明、(3)その具体的な活動に対する参加者のフィードバックの分析について述べる。 最後に、英語教育におけるPBL教授法の今後の方向性について考察する。


  • Getting on Board: A Phenomenological Approach to a Critical Friendship Between Leaders Reviewed

    Dawn Lucovich and Wayne Malcolm( Role: Joint author ,  Author)

    Adrianne Verla Uchida/Jennie Roloff Rothman for Candlin & Mynard  2023  ( ISBN:9798861658867

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    Part of the Life and Education in Japan series by Candlin & Mynard, the book consists of chapters about professional development, critical friendships, and reflective practice. I co-authored a chapter focused on leadership in an organization and how leaders can develop via interacting with colleagues as critical friends.

  • A Passion for Japan: A Collection of Personal Narratives

    Wayne Malcolm( Role: Contributor ,  Passion in a Community: Finding My Japan Through JALT)

    John Rucynski / Blue Sky Publishing  2022  ( ISBN:9784991150739


  • JALT2024 Closing Ceremony

    Wayne Malcolm

    50th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition  2024.11  NPO The Japan Associaton for Language Teaching

  • Discussing Conference Planning

    Wayne Malcolm

    49th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition  2023.11  Japan Association for Language Teaching (NPO JALT)

  • JALT2022 Closing Ceremony International conference

    Wayne Malcolm

    48th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition  2022.11 

  • When the Macro-Context Drives Changes in the Classroom: Reporting on Two Cases Invited

    Wayne Malcolm

    The 61st JACET International Conference (Online, 2022)  2022.8  Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)

  • A 4-Skills Approach to Language Learning Using the UNSDGs Invited

    Wayne Malcolm

    SPELT 2-Hour Webinar  2022.8  Society of Pakistani English Language Teachers

  • Unpacking Global Competence as a Guiding Philosophy

    Wayne Malcolm

    The 29th Korea TESOL International Conference: More than Words: Teaching for a Better World  2022.5  KoreaTESOL

  • Are We A Professional Learning Community? International conference

    Wayne Malcoclm

    Global Japan and Academia during Covid: International Symposium  2022.3  Center for Global Research Initiatives, Kobe University

  • Panel Discussion: Future Perspectives of Language Teaching and the Role of the Professional Organization Invited International conference

    Wayne Malcolm

    NELTA International Virtual Think-In 2022  2022.3  NELTA

  • Task-Based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, and Project-Based Learning: An Explainer of Methodologies (MET 49)

    Wayne Malcolm

    18th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching (Virtual)  2022.2  IDP Education (Cambodia)

  • Building a Globally Competent Workforce through Study Abroad: Findings from a Case Study

    Wayne Malcolm

    JALT Study Abroad Conference 2018  JALT Study Abroad Special Interest Group

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    This presentation contains the findings from a multi-year qualitative case study conducted at a national university in Japan. The main research question was how companies value study abroad when recruiting for their workforce. Based on interview data with students, hiring managers, and university staff, recommendations for leaders in business, government and academia will be presented, along with implications for future research.

  • Creating Globally Competent Human Resources - Findings from a Qualitative Case Study

    Wayne Malcolm

    The 5th Annual Conference on Global Higher Education   Lakeland University

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    This presentation contains the findings from a multi-year qualitative case study conducted at a national university in Japan. The voices and perceptions of the study participants will be illustrated. Based on those voices and perceptions, recommendations for leaders in business, government and academia will also be presented, along with implications for future research.

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Teaching Experience

  • Basic Communication

    Institution:Fukui University of Technology

  • Technical Communication

    Institution:Fukui University of Technology

  • Listening

    Institution:Fukui University of Technology