論文 - 柏山 祐一郎
Total synthesis of 17-nor-Deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin 査読
Nomoto, J. Asano, K. Asahina, H. Mita, Y. Kashiyama
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 83 ( 7 ) 819 - 821 2010年6月
Determination of aquatic food-web structure based on compound-specific nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids 査読
Y. Chikaraishi, N.O. Ogawa, Y. Kashiyama, Y. Takano, H. Suga, A. Tomitani, H. Miyashita, H. Kitazato, N. Ohkouchi
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 7 740 - 750 2009年1月
A compound-specific isotope method for measuring the stable nitrogen isotopic composition of tetrapyrroles 査読
Y. Chikaraishi, Y. Kashiyama, N.O. Ogawa, H. Kitazato, M. Satoh, S. Nomoto, N. Ohkouchi
Organic Geochemistry 39 ( 5 ) 510 - 520 2008年1月
藻類・植物・堆積物に含まれるクロロ色素・フェオ色素のHPLC/MSによる解析 査読
Y. Chikaraishi, Y. Kashiyama, N. Ohkouchi
Researches in Organic Geochemistry 22 43 - 55 2007年12月
A novel vanadyl alkylporphyrins from geological samples: a possible derivative of divinylchlorophylls or bacteriochlorophyll a? 査読
Y. Kashiyama, M. Shiro, R. Tada, N. Ohkouchi
Chemistry Letters 36 ( 6 ) 706 2007年6月
An improved method for isolation and purification of sedimentary porphyrins by high-performance liquid chromatography for compound-specific isotopic analysis 査読
Y. Kashiyama, H. Kitazato, N. Ohkouchi
Journal of Chromatograpgy A 1138 73 - 83 2007年1月
An importance of cyanobacteria as a primary producer during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 査読
N. Ohkouchi, Y. Kashiyama, J. Kuroda, N.O. Ogawa, H. Kitazato
Biogeosciences 3 575 - 605 2006年10月
Stable carbon and nitrogen compositions of photosynthetic pigments as tracers for elemental cycle in the modern- and paleo-environments 査読
N. Ohkouchi, Y. Nakajima, N.O. Ogawa, H. Suga, Y. Kashiyama, K. Matsumoto, Y. Chikaraishi, K. Oguri, H. Kitazato
Frontier Research on Earth Evolution 2 1 - 4 2006年
地学雑誌 114 638 - 642 2005年