Ph.D. Coursework ( 2008.3 Kanazawa University )
M.Ed. Coursework ( 2005.3 Kanazawa University )
Bachelor of Education Coursework ( 2003.3 Kanazawa University )
Specialist Degree of Judo Therapy Coursework ( 2008.3 )
Updated on 2024/01/09
Ph.D. Coursework ( 2008.3 Kanazawa University )
M.Ed. Coursework ( 2005.3 Kanazawa University )
Bachelor of Education Coursework ( 2003.3 Kanazawa University )
Specialist Degree of Judo Therapy Coursework ( 2008.3 )
physiology (sport physiology)
motor learning
Judo therapy
Life Science / Sports sciences
Life Science / Medical management and medical sociology
Life Science / Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
Life Science / Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
Life Science / Physical education, and physical and health education
Life Science / Rehabilitation science
Kanazawa University Sport Science Course Graduated
1999.4 - 2003.3
Hokushinetsu Jusei Academy Faculty of Judo Therapy Graduated
2005.4 - 2008.3
Morishita orthopedics clinic Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medical Staff
2008.3 - 2011.3
Ishikawa Polytechnical College Lecturer
2005.4 - 2006.3
Fukui University of Technology Lecturer
2011.4 - 2011.9
Fukui University of Technology Lecturer
2011.4 - 2013.3
Fukui University of Technology Lecturer
2011.10 - 2012.3
Fukui University of Technology Lecturer
2012.4 - 2012.9
Fukui University of Technology Lecturer
2012.10 - 2013.3
Fukui University of Technology Lecturer
2013.4 - 2013.9
Fukui University of Technology Lecturer
2013.10 - 2014.3
Fukui University of Technology Associate Professor
2014.4 - 2015.3
Fukui University of Technology Associate Professor
2014.4 - 2017.9
Fukui University of Technology Associate Professor
2014.4 - 2017.9
Fukui University of Technology Associate Professor
2015.4 - 2017.9
Fukui University of Technology Professor
Fukui University of Technology Professor
Fukui University of Technology Professor
Japanese Society of Sciences in Swimming and Water Exercise
Japanese Society of Education and Health Science
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
Japanese Society of Test and Evaluation in Health and Physical Education
Japan Swimming Trainer Committee
Judo Therapist
Usual Car License (first kind)
Study of the relationship between kinetics and kinematic characteristics involved during single-leg squat and single-leg landing Reviewed
Junki Tsukida, Takayoshi Yamada, Rie Tsukida, Takanori Noguchi
Japanese Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2 ( 1 ) 16 - 21 2024.3
A case study on effectiveness of strength training for a student golfer : Focusing on the length of time it takes to turn from amateur to professional Reviewed
Hikari NAITO, Chisato TAKAMIYA, Kohei YAMAMOTO, Takanori NOGUCHI and Norio TSUJIMOTO
Memoirs of the Fukui Institute of Technology 53 2023.10
Effect of fatigue on rowing motion during 2 minutes of full power rowing on a canoe ergometer Reviewed
53 112 - 119 2023.10
Influence of Locomotive Organ Dysfunction on Physical Fitness in Childhood Reviewed
Tatsunori URAI 、Takanori NOGUCHI、Takayoshi YAMADA
68 ( 2 ) 109 - 116 2022.10
Relationships between the Kinetic and Kinematic Characteristics of Movement and Landing Sound during a Single-leg Landing Reviewed
Junki TSUKIDA, Takayoshi YAMADA, Tatsunori URAI, Rie TSUKIDA, Takanori NOGUCHI, Shunsuke YAMAJI
37 ( 4 ) 447 - 452 2022.8
Changes in Arterial Oxygen Saturation During Nighttime Sleep at Low Altitude(985 m) Reviewed
41 26 - 33 2021.12
Effect of successful performance of a balance board test of the right and left directions on motor skills and fall experience in elderly females Reviewed
Hiroki Sugiura, Takanori Noguchi, Tomohisa Yokoya
Gazzetta Medica Italiana 180 ( 9 ) 425 - 428 2021.9
Effects of Wearing a Compression Undershirt during a Deep Breath on the Autonomic Nervous System
Toshimitsu EBISU,Tatsuki MORI,Rikako KATAOKA,Tomohisa YOKOYA,Takahiko SAKAZAKI,Takanori NOGUCHI
福井工業大学紀要 50 166 - 170 2020.12
Effects of Wearing a Compression Undershirt during Exercise on the Autonomic Nervous System
Toshimitsu EBISU,Shinjiro NISHIMURA,Tsukasa MIYAURA,Kazuki YAMADA,Takumi YAMADA,Rikako KATAOKA,Tomohisa YOKOYA,Takanori NOGUCHI
福井工業大学紀要 50 159 - 165 2020.12
Initiatives in Project-Based Learning Utilizing Regional Sports Events
( 47 ) 349 - 354 2017.6
The Relationship between Ability to Maintain a Stable Posture on an Unstable Stool and Area of Center of Gravity Displacement in Male University Soccer Player
( 47 ) 269 - 272 2017.6
Morphological Characteristics of the Lateral Abdominal Muscles in Athletes
( 47 ) 256 - 259 2017.6
Effects of Male University of Students' Exercise Habits on Body Composition , Physical Fitness, and Periheral Blood Circulation Dynamics
( 47 ) 251 - 265 2017.6
Using the wingate test to identify time-series-based relation between the ankle flexiblity and kick speed
( 46 ) 250 - 253 2016.6
Using Simlified Movement Analysis of Experienced Swimmers: a Practical Report Regarding Instruction in Diving Movements
( 46 ) 299 - 303 2016.6
Relationship between Head Speed of Bat Swing and Handgrip Strength and Power
44 403 - 407 2014.5
Relationship between abdominal strength measured by a newly developed device and abdominal muscle thickness Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura
Advances in Physical Education 4 70 - 76 2014.5
Differences in muscle power between the dominant and nondominant upper limbs of baseball players (査読付)(野球選手における利き手と非利き手の筋パワー発揮の差) Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Kenji Takahashi, Gou Demura, and Yasunori Mori
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28 ( 1 ) 82 - 86 2014.1
Effect of Sports Club Activities on the Physique and Physical Fitness of Young Japanese Males. Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Mikio Shimada, Hidetsugu Kobayashi, Shunsuke Yamaji, Takayoshi Yamada
World Journal of Education 3 ( 6 ) 27 - 32 2013.12
The effects of measurement postures, presence or absence of strength exertion, and measuerment skills
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Kenji Takahashi
( 43 ) 272 - 279 2013.6
The relationship between muscle mass of trunk part estimated by biological impedance and physical fitness and motor ability
Tomohisa Yokoya, Takanori Noguchi
Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology ( 43 ) 266 - 271 2013.6
Relationships between Sit-Ups and Abdominal Flexion Strength Tests and the Thickness of Each Abdominal Muscle. (査読付)(腹部の筋厚とシットアップテストおよび腹部屈曲筋力との関係) Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Kenji Takahashi
Advances in Physical Education 3 ( 2 ) 84 - 88 2013.5
Physical Fitness Characterization by Obesity Level in Young Males with Poor Physical Fitness. (査読付)(低体力青年男性の肥満別体力特性) Reviewed
Tamotsu Kitabayashi, Shinichi Demura, Takanori Noguchi
Advances in Physical Education 3 ( 2 ) 76 - 79 2013.5
Relationship Between Ball Kick Velocity and Leg Strength: A Comparison Between Soccer Players and other Athletes. (査読付)(ボールキック速度と脚筋力の関係:サッカー選手と他競技選手との比較) Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Yoshinori Nagasawa
Advances in Physical Education 2 ( 3 ) 95 - 98 2012.8
The Effect of Various Warming up Methods on Ankle ROM and Toe Tapping Performance. (査読付)(種々のウォーミングアップ方法が足関節可動域および足のタッピングテストに及ぼす効果) Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi,Shinichi Demura,Shin Sohee,Hiroki Sugiura,Yu Uchida.
The Journal of Education and Health Science 54 ( 2 ) 146 - 152 2010.11
Influence of Measurement Order by Dominant and Nondominant hands on Performance of a Pursuit-Rotor task. (査読付)(測定順序が利き手、非利き手の指標追従動作テストに及ぼす影響) Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi,Shinichi Demura,Yoshinori Nagazawa,Masanobu Uchiyama.
Perceptual and Motor Skills. 108 905 - 914 2009.6
Examination of the Laterality of Coordination Ability in the Upper Limbs: from Comparisons among Different Muscle Exertions and Among Trials
Segmental Body Composition Assessment for Obese Japanese Adults by Single-Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis with 8-point Contact Electrodes. (査読付)(8点接触電極を用いた単周波生体電気インピーダンス法による肥満日本人成人の体組成評価) Reviewed
Susumu Sato,Shinichi Demura,Tamotsu Kitabayashi,Takanori Noguchi.
Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 26 533 - 540 2007.9
Prediction of visceral fat area from anthropometric and segmental body composition variables using computed tomography. (査読付)(人体計測変数およびCT画像を用いて計測した部位別体組成変数を用いた内臓脂肪面積の推定) Reviewed
Shinichi Demura,Susumu Sato,Takanori Noguchi,Yoshio Nakata
Sport Sciences for Health 2 16 - 22 2006.12
Reliabilities and inter-relationships of various stepping tests and evaluation parameters for the elderly. (査読付)(高齢者のための各種ステッピングテストおよび評価変数の信頼性と相互関係と) Reviewed
Shinichi Demura, Takayoshi Yamada, Shin Sohee,Takanori Noguchi.
Sport Science for Health. 1 27 - 33 2006.12
Comparison in the effect of linear polarized near-infrared light irradiation and light exercise on shoulder joint flexibility. (査読付)(直線偏光近赤外線照射と軽運動が肩関節の柔軟性に及ぼす影響の比較) Reviewed
Shinichi Demura, Takanori Noguchi, Jinzaburou Matsuzawa
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 16 ( 4 ) 293 - 297 2006.7
An Examination of Practice and Laterality Effect on the Purdue Pegboard and Moving Beans With Tweezers. (査読付)(ペグボードテストおよび豆運びテストにおける一側優位性と練習効果の検証) Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Yoshinori Nagasawa, Masanobu Uchiyama.
Perceptual and Motor Skills. 102 265 - 274 2006.2
Prediction of segmental percent fat using anthropometric variables.(査読付)(人体計測変数を利用した部位別体脂肪率の予測) Reviewed
Shinichi Demura, Susumu Sato, Takanori Noguchi.
The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 45 518 - 523 2005.12
The Practice Effect and Its Difference of the Pursuit Rotor Test with the Dominant and Non-dominant Hands.(査読付)(指標追従動作テストの練習効果の利き手、非利き手間差) Reviewed
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Yoshinori Nagasawa, Masanobu Uchiyama.
Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science. 24 589 - 593 2005.11
Fall prevention for community-dwelling elderly: From the basic theory to intervention practice of a fall accident
( Role: Joint author , Chapter 1-2: Fall risk factor (risk-factor): pp.12-20. )
Kyorin-Shoin 2012.3 ( ISBN:978-4-7644-1129-6 )
Text health-and-physical-education revised edition
( Role: Joint author , Ⅱ-5-1: injuries and sick prevention: pp.110-116 )
TAISHUKAN Publishing Co., Ltd. 2011.12 ( ISBN:978-4-469-26726-6 )
Health and sports science lecture The 2nd edition
( Role: Joint author , Chapter 16: Role of Sports in Society: pp.246-257 )
Kyorin-Shoin 2011.9 ( ISBN:978-4-7644-1125-8 )
Does a change in the management system of club activities in junior high school affect student's physical fitness? Invited International conference
Takanori Noguchi
The 34th International Sport Science Congress, in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic games 2022.8
Asymmetry of kayak athletes’ paddling power in canoe sprint competitions(カヌースプリント競技におけるカヤック選手の漕パワーの非対称性) International conference
Takanori Noguchi, Yoshinobu Yoshimura, Shigeru Shimada, Tomohisa Yokoya, iHiroki Sugiura
International Conference of The 66th Japanese Society of Education and Health Science 日本教育医学会
Case report on the Characteristics of the Cognitive Function of Expert Equestrians(熟練馬術競技者の認知機能の特性に関する事例報告) International conference
Yoshinobu Yoshimura, Takanori Noguchi, Shigeru Shimada, Tomohisa Yokoya, Hiroki Sugiura
International Conference of The 66th Japanese Society of Education and Health Science 日本教育医学会
Relationship between balance bar test and physical fitness(バランスバーテストと体力との関係) International conference
Hiroki Sugiura, Yoshinobu Yoshimura, Shigeru Shimada, Tomohisa Yokoya, Takanori Noguchi
International Conference of The 66th Japanese Society of Education and Health Science 日本教育医学会
Effects of wrist taping with pressure on the palmar flexion range of motion International conference
Kenji Takahashi, Shinichi Demura, Shunsuke Yamaji, Takanori Noguchi
The 15th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 61th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education Health Science
Difference in choice reraction time with age of young children, observed from the Rock-Paper-Scissors game International conference
Tomohisa Yokoya, Shinichi Demura, Yoshinobu Yoshimura, Takanori Noguchi, Shigeki Matsuda, Haruka Kawabata
The 15th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 61th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education Health Science
A method for abdminal flexion strength using rectus abdominis muscle thickness International conference
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Yoshinori Nagasawa, Susumu Sato, Shin Sohee
The 15th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 61th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education Health Science
幼児における障害物を設置した枠内歩行時間および平均台歩行時間の性差 International conference
徐寧, 出村慎一, 野口雄慶, 川端悠, 橘和代
The Relationship between bat speed and both static hand grip strength and handgrip power(バット速度と静的握力発揮および把握パワーの関係) International conference
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Yoshinobu Yoshimura, Tomohisa Yokoya, Hiroshi Kubota.
The 14th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 59th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education Health Science
Effect of junior ski-jumper balance training while wearing Masai Barefoot Technology shoes: A practice case of N-high school ski team International conference
Haruka Kawabata, Shinichi Demura, Yoshinori Nagasawa, Takanori Noguchi
The 14th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 59th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education Health Science
Gender difference and explosive toe grip exertion International conference
Masakatsu Nakada, Shinichi Demura, Takanori Noguchi, Hiroshi Kubota and Yoshinobu Yoshimura
The 14th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 59th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education Health Science
Body sway characteristics during a static upright posture in healthy and disordered elderly(健常および障害高齢者における静的立位姿勢中の身体重心動揺特性) International conference
Tamotsu Kitabayashi, Shinichi Demura, Takanori Noguchi, Syunsuke Yamaji, Susumu Sato, Jinzaburou Matsuzawa
The 11th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 53th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education Health Science
Award for Promising Resaercher of the Jounal of Education and Health Science
Takanori Noguchi, Shinichi Demura, Sohee Shin, Hiroki Sugiura and Yu Uchida.
Young Researchers Award of Japanese Society of Sciences in Swimming and Water Exercise
Health Science
Sports Science
Sports Science
Health Science