Doctor (Engineering) Coursework ( 1997.3 Fukui University of Technology )
Master (Engineering) Coursework ( 1994.3 Fukui University of Technology )
Updated on 2024/01/10
Doctor (Engineering) Coursework ( 1997.3 Fukui University of Technology )
Master (Engineering) Coursework ( 1994.3 Fukui University of Technology )
Aging Countermeasure Examination
Radiation Chemistry
Energy Engineering / Nuclear engineering
Nanotechnology/Materials / Fundamental physical chemistry
Fukui University of Technology Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry Graduated
1988.4 - 1992.3
Fukui University of Technology Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry Doctor's Course Completed
1992.4 - 1994.3
Fukui University of Technology Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry Doctor's Course Completed
1994.4 - 1997.3
Fukui University of Technology Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry Assistant
1997.4 - 1998.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fukui Univeresity of Technology Special researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
1998.4 - 2000.3
Osaka University The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research visiting assistant professor
2004.4 - 2004.6
Fukui University of Technology Professor
The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology AIST Tohoku visiting research engineer
2012.4 - 2015.3
Fukui University of Technology Professor
Fukui University of Technology Professor
Japanese Society of Radiation Chemistry
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Physical Society of Japan
The Atomic Collision Society of Japan
Study of in situ measuring device for γ-ray irradiation of PVA-KI gel dosimeter Reviewed
Takeyoshi SUNAGAWA,Sachiko YOSHIHASHI,Glenn HARVEL,and Yutaro AOKI
Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology ( 53 ) 46 - 51 2023.10
Dehydration of decommissioning gels for waste reduction Reviewed International coauthorship
G.Harvel, V.Senka, R.Khurmi, Y.Aoki and T.Sunagawa
5th Canadian Conference on Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration 2023.8
Development of in situ measuring device for He ion ion irradiation of PVA-KI gel dosimeter Reviewed International coauthorship
Takeyoshi SUNAGAWA, Glenn HARVEL, Yutaro AOKI, and Kyo Kume
Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology ( 52 ) 34 - 39 2022.10
Thermophysical Characteristics of Liquid Metal In-Bi-Sn Eutectic (Field's Metal) as a Similarity Coolant Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Adam Lipchitz, Glenn Harvel, Takeyoshi Sunagawa
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 8 ( 3 ) 031301-1 - 031301-10 2022.5
Elucidation of Reaction Mechanism of PVA-KI Gel Dosimeter(Ⅰ) Reviewed
( 50 ) 97 - 102 2020.10
Development of Dose Evaluation Technology using PVA-KI Gel Dosimeter Reviewed
( 49 ) 93 - 98 2019.12
Development of Iodine and Cesium Collection Technique by Ar Plasma (I) Reviewed
( 48 ) 65 - 69 2018.5
Y. Aoki, G. Harvel, T. Sakura, T. Sunagawa
Proceedings of the 2017 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE25-67618) 1 - 5 2017.12
Microwave Dielectric Absorption Spectroscopy Aiming at Novel Dosimetry Using DNAs Reviewed
Yoshinobu Izumi, Makoto Hirayama, Youichirou Matuo, Takeyoshi Sunagawa
Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 42 ( 1 ) 21 - 25 2017.4
Evaluation of DNA Damage Using Microwave Dielectric Absorption Spectroscopy Reviewed
Makoto Hirayama, Youichirou Matuo, Takeyoshi Sunagawa, Yoshinobu Izumi
Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 41 ( 4 ) 339 - 343 2016.12
Study of Iodine Collection by Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Discharge Technique Reviewed
( 46 ) 160 - 168 2016.6
Determination of Specific Heat of EutecticIndium ? Bismuth- Tin Liquid Metal Alloys as a Test Material for Liquid Metal - Cooled Applications Reviewed
Adam Lipchitz, Glenn Harvel, Takeyoshi Sunagawa
Applied Mechanics and Materials 420 185 - 193 2013.9
Example of Career Education in Fukui University of Technology Invited Reviewed
60 ( 1 ) 63 - 64 2012.1
Intra-molecular mobility of holes along rod-like helical Si backbones in optically active polysilanes Reviewed
Y.Honsho, A.Asano, S.Seki, T.Sunagawa, A.Saeki
Synthetic Metals 159 843 - 846 2009.4
The dependence of low-energy electron attachment to CF3Br on electron and vibrational energy Reviewed
S.Marienfeld, T.Sunagawa, I.I.Fabrikant, M.Braun, M.-W.Ruf, H.Hotop
The Journal of Chemical Physics 124 154316-1 - 154316-14 2006.4
Charge-carrier dynamics in polythiophene films studied by in-situ measurement of flash-photolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity (FP-TRMC) and transient optical spectroscopy (TOS) Reviewed
A.Saeki, S.Seki, T.Sunagawa, K.Ushida, S.Tagawa
The Philosophical Magazine 86 1261 - 1276 2006.3
Increase in the Mobility of Photogenerated Positive Charge Carriers in Polythiophene. Reviewed
A.Saeki, S.Seki, Y.Koizumi, T.Sunagawa, K.Ushida, S.Tagawa
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105 10015 - 10019 2005.6
Temperature Dependence of Low-Energy Electron Attachment to Halogenated Compounds
福井工業大学研究紀要 ( 35 ) 223 - 230 2005.3
Photochemistry of halogenated anilines studied by time-variation of microwave dielectric absorption Reviewed
M.Hara, T.Sunagawa, Y.Oseki, T.Majima
J. Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry 163 153 - 158 2004.4
Temperature Dependence of Low-Energy Electron Attachment to CHCl3 Reviewed
T.Sunagawa, H.Shimamori
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 205 285 - 291 2001.4
Dehydration of decommissioning gels for waste reduction International coauthorship International conference
G.Harvel, V.Senka, R.Khurmi, Y.Aoki and T.Sunagawa
5th Canadian Conference on Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration 2023.8 Canadian Nuclear Society
Research and development of lead block cutting technique for decommissioning nuclear power plants International coauthorship International conference
Tomohisa Gotou, Takeyoshi Sunagawa, Glenn Harvel , Yutaro Aoki
30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) 2023.5
Light absorption in situ measurement by γ ray irradiation to PVA-KI gel dose meter International coauthorship
Light absorption in situ measurement by He ion irradiation to PVA-KI gel dose meter International coauthorship
Light absorption in-situ measurement by X-ray irradiation to PVA-KI gel dose meter International coauthorship
Research and development of lead block cutting technique for decommissioning nuclear power plants International coauthorship
Study on reaction mechanism of PVA-KI gel dosimeter (5) International coauthorship
Measurement of Cesium Distribution downstream of a Microwave Induced Argon Plasma International coauthorship International conference
Y. Nishimura, T. Sunagawa, Glenn Harvel
ISNTP-12&ISEHD 2022 2022.9 The Institute of Electrostatics Japan
Study on reaction mechanism of PVA-KI gel dosimeter 4 International coauthorship
Study of Separation of Radioactive Cesium Using Argon Plasma
Dose evaluation technology study using PVA-KI gel dosimeter 3
Development of wiping decontamination technology using gel
Research and Development of PVA-KI Gel Dosimeter International conference
Yutaro Aok, Glenn Harvel, Taguchi Mitsumasa, Naotsugu Nagasawa,Toshiharu Sakura, Takeyoshi Sunagawa
Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference - 2018 PBNC American Nuclear Society
Study of dose evalution technology using PVA-KI gel dosimeter
Development of technology for collecting iodine and cesium using argon plasma Ⅱ
Dose evaluation of X-ray from handheld XRF analyzers
Radiation Sensitivity of PVA-KI Gel Indicator
Development of technology for collecting iodine and cesium using argon plasma
マイクロ波誘電吸収法を用いた DNA の損傷評価
平山 誠,松尾 陽一郎,砂川 武義 ,泉 佳伸
第54回アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会 日本アイソトープ協会
Y. Aoki, G. Harvel, T. Sakura, T. Sunagawa
the 2017 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering(ICONE25)
The High-Sensitivity Gel Dosimeter Development for Medical by a New Mechanism
青木 祐太郎,Glenn HARVEL,佐倉 俊治,砂川 武義
日本原子力学会 2016年秋の大会 日本原子力学会
Study of Potassium Iodide Decomposition-Collection by Atmospheric Pressure Microwave
Fundamental study on novel dosimetry by means of microwave dielectric absorption spectroscopy
Study of iodine collection by atmospheric pressure microwave discharge technique
Characterization of Neutron Fields used Nested Neutron Spectrometer
Evaluation of DNA damage using Microwave Dielectric Absorption Spectroscopy International conference
Makoto HIRAYAMA、Youichirou MATUO、Takeyoshi SUNAGAWA、Yoshinobu IZUMI
The Eighth International Symposium on Radiation Safety and Detection TechnologyISORD-8
Microwave Dielectric Absorption Spectroscopy Aiming at Novel Dosimetry Using DNAs International conference
Yoshinobu IZUMI、Makoto HIRAYAMA、Youichirou MATUO、Takeyoshi SUNAGAWA
The Eighth International Symposium on Radiation Safety and Detection TechnologyISORD-8
Study of Iodine Collection By Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Discharge Technique International conference
Takeyoshi Sunagawa、Kaho Yamamoto、Glenn Harvel
The 15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR 2015)
Investigation of Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of In-Bi-Sn Eutectic for use in a Natural Circulation Experimental Loop International conference
Adam Lipchitz、Glenn Harvel 、Takeyoshi Sunagawa
Non-contact Quantitative Microwave Detection of Radiation Induced Degradation of Polymers International conference
Takeyoshi SUNAGAWA、Hitoshi JIBU、Akinori SAEKI、Shu SEKI、Hisaaki KUDO
5th Asia Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry (APSRC2014)
Generation of Gaseous Iodine for Advanced EHD Collection International conference
Glenn Harvel、 Takeyoshi Sunagawa
The International Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics (ISEHD 2014)
Determination of Specific Heat of EutecticIndium ? Bismuth- Tin Liquid Metal Alloys as a Test Material for Liquid Metal - Cooled Applications International conference
Adam Lipchitz, Glenn Harvel, Takeyoshi Sunagawa
2013 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICRTMME2013)
The detection of the DNA structural change using the microwave dielectric absorption spectrometry and system construction aiming at dosimetry International conference
Y.Izumi, T.Sunagawa, Y.Matuo, T.Kawada, T.Kojima
ICRS12&RPSD2012 日本原子力学会
Basic Chemistry
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Experiments in Nuclear Engineering
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Radiation Biology
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Radiation Chemistry
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Radiation Engineering
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Radiation Fundamentals
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Research for Graduation
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Advanced Experiment for Application of Nuclear Technology
Institution:Fukui University of Technology