Doctor of Education Coursework ( 1979.8 Brigham Young University, Graduate School, Doctor Course (U. S. A.) )
Ph.D. in Medicine (Public Health) Thesis ( 1993.10 Aichi Medical University )
Updated on 2023/12/24
Doctor of Education Coursework ( 1979.8 Brigham Young University, Graduate School, Doctor Course (U. S. A.) )
Ph.D. in Medicine (Public Health) Thesis ( 1993.10 Aichi Medical University )
Exercise Physiology
Health Science
Life Science / Hygiene and public health (laboratory) / Exercise Physiology, Public Health
Brigham Young University, Graduate School, Doctor Course, U. S. A. School of Physical Education Exercise Physiology Doctor's Course Completed
1976.9 - 1979.8
University of Fukui Professor Emeritus
1980.4 - 2016.3
Fukui University of Technology Manager(Dean)
Fukui University of Technology Professor
1975.9 - 1979.8 California State University, Northridge, Graduate School, Brigham Young University, Graduate School, Doctor Course Graduate Student
Splitting the Duration of Exercise: Effects on Cardiovascular Endurance and Blood Lipids Reviewed
Toshimitsu Ebisu
Japanese Journal of Physical Education 30 ( 1 ) 37 - 43 1979.8
四日市公害と児童生徒の体格体力 Reviewed
教育医学 18 ( 4 ) 35 - 37 1973
Chronic effects of aerobic exercise upon blood lipids in hyperlipidemia patients Reviewed
Toshimitsu Ebisu, Yoshimi Sasaki, and Shigeo Miyazaki
The Journal of Education and Health Science 52 ( 3 ) 155 - 164 2007
Observer error in body composition measurement Reviewed
Ebisu, T.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) 21 ( 4 ) 50 - 60 1976
Relationship between EMG units and force of contraction, load, and fatigue in isometric contraction of biceps Reviewed
Ebisu, T.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) 22 ( 2 ) 19 - 41 1976
Correlation between blood lipids, body composition and cardiovascular endurance Reviewed
Ebisu, T.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) 28 ( 1,2 ) 18 - 27 1982
Differences of motor abilities between various body composition levels Reviewed
Ebisu, T.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) 28 ( 1,2 ) 28 - 36 1982
Cardiorespiratory effects of a formal warm up determined by analysis of covariance in regressions
Ebisu, T.
福井大学教育学部附属教育実践研究指導センター紀要 6 105 - 115 1982
A case on impedance changes in a cockroach's heart beat due to acetylcholine and saline administration and the Q10
Ebisu, T.
北陸体育学会紀要 20 1 - 8 1982
A case of determining nerve action potentials and conduction velocity in a frog
Ebisu, T.
福井大学教育学部紀要(体育学編) 14 11 - 19 1983
Correlation between urinary specific gravity and motor abilities and body composition
Ebisu, T.
福井大学教育学部附属教育実践研究指導センター紀要 7 107 - 114 1983
Correlation between urinary pH and motor abilities and body composition
Ebisu, T.
福井大学教育学部紀要(体育学編) 15 19 - 27 1983
Correlation between body composition and blood pressure in college males Reviewed
Ebisu, T., et al.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) 29 ( 3 ) 22 - 28 1983
Estimating the percent body fat from each of eleven parts of the body in college males
Ebisu, T., et al.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) 29 ( 3 ) 41 - 45 1983
Multiple regression evaluation of physique and motor abilities in infants Reviewed
Harada, S., Ebisu, T., et al.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) Proceedings of the 30th Japanese Conference of Educational Medicine and the Commemoratory International Meeting of Educational Medicine 30 ( 1 ) 28 - 37 1984
Japanese map of physique and physical fitness
Ishikawa, Y., et al.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) Proceedings of the 30th Japanese Conference of Educational Medicine and the Commemoratory International Meeting of Educational Medicine 30 ( 1 ) 64 - 72 1984
A study of the increase in high density lipoprotein cholesterol through an increase in the frequency of exercise stress
Ebisu, T.
Educational Medicine(教育医学) Proceedings of the 30th Japanese Conference of Educational Medicine and the Commemoratory International Meeting of Educational Medicine 30 ( 1 ) 159 - 167 1984
Effects of various two month exercises on urinary creatinine excretion, muscular strength and body composition
Ebisu, T. and Sakan, F.
福井大学教育学部附属教育実践研究指導センター紀要 8 71 - 81 1984
Urinary creatinine excretion, muscular strength and body composition in various varsity clubs
Ebisu, T. and Sakan, F.
福井大学教育学部紀要(体育学編) 16 23 - 35 1984
Effects of two different frequencies exercise on urinary creatinine excretion, muscular strength and body composition
Ebisu, T.
北陸体育学会紀要 21 76 - 84 1984
Splitting the distance of endurance running: on cardiovascular endurance and blood lipids Reviewed
Toshimitsu Ebisu
Japanese Journal of Physical Education 30 ( 1 ) 37 - 43 1985
Effects of two months of chronic exercise upon body composition Reviewed
Ebisu, T.
Japanese Journal of Physical Education(体育学研究) 31 ( 2 ) 143 - 149 1986
Effects of long distance jogging upon blood lipids, arteriosclerotic indices, body composition and cardiovascular endurance Reviewed
Ebisu, T., et al.
The Journal of Educational Medicine(教育医学) 33 ( 1,2 ) 121 - 130 1987
Relationships between urinary creatinine excretion and back strength Reviewed
Ebisu, T.
Japanese Journal of Physical Education(体育学研究) 32 ( 4 ) 249 - 254 1988
Effects of marking measurement sites in skinfold thickness measurements Reviewed
Ebisu, T.
The Journal of Educational Medicine(教育医学) 36 ( 3 ) 200 - 211 1990
Biochemical influences of a summer training camp in well-trained and not-well-trained players
Ebisu, T., et al.
New Horizons of Human Movements (1988 Seoul Olympic Scientific Congress Proceedings) 327 - 331 1990
Effects of long term swimming training on children with bronchial asthma
Mitsui, J., et al.
New Horizons of Human Movements (1988 Seoul Olympic Scientific Congress Proceedings) 480 - 489 1990
The effects of going without breakfast upon fatigue, fitness, body composition, blood glucose, serum total protein and serum free fatty acid
Ebisu, T., et al.
The The Journal of Education and Health Science (教育医学), Proceedings of the 50th Conference of Japanense Society of Education and Health Science (JSEHS), and the 2nd Commemoratory International Meeting of Education and Health Science (ITEHS), 48 ( 5 ) 416 - 421 2003
Effects of taking a hot spring bath on relaxation
Ebisu, T., et al.
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Regional Studies, University of Fukui, SeriesⅣ: Science of Education. 61 1 - 7 2005
Influences of a lack of chronic exercise on the condition of peripheral blood circulation in women
Ebisu, T., et al.
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Regional Studies, University of Fukui, SeriesⅣ: Science of Education. 61 9 - 15 2005
Increased plasma adiponectin after low-intensity exercise in middle-aged women
Yanagimoto, Y., et al.
Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University 9 - 15 2009
Effects of a more active everyday lifestyle upon blood lipids, HbA1c and various fitness levels in middle-aged and elderly men and women
Toshimitsu Ebisu, Tomohito Uesaka, Harumi Takeuchi, Youko Fujisawa, Eri Kirishima, Tomohisa Yokoya, Hiroki Sugiura
福井工業大学研究紀要 ( 48 ) 112 - 118 2018.6
Relationship between selective response ability and motor abilities involving stepping motion of the legs
( 48 ) 133 - 137 2018.6
Measures to increase blood donation participation among university students in Japan
( 48 ) 142 - 147 2018.6
Correlation between fitness levels, body fat, blood lipids, HbA1c and blood pressure in middle-aged and elderly men and women
Ebisu, T., Yokoya, T., Sugiura, H. and Yoshida, S.
Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology ( 47 ) 232 - 237 2017.5
Effects of male university students' exercise habits on body composition, physical fitness, and peripheral blood circulation dynamics
Yokoya, T., Noguchi, t., Ebisu, T. and Sugiura, H.
Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology ( 47 ) 251 - 255 2017.5
The relationship between ability to maintain a stable posture on an unstable stool and leg strength, balance ability and fall experiences in the female elderly
Sugiura, H., Ebisu, T., Kato, Y., Sawazaki, M. and Yokoya, T.
Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology ( 47 ) 265 - 268 2017.5
Initiatives in project-based learning utilizing regional sports events
Yokoya, T., Noguchi, T., Yoshimura, Y., Kato, Y., Kurimoto, N., Nojiri, N., Sugiura, H and Ebisu, T.
Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology ( 47 ) 349 - 354 2017.5
Effects of Wearing a Compression Undershirt on Body Composition: the case of wearing for two weeks at low frequency
Toshimitsu Ebisu, Koya Sato, Masashi Morisaku, Kennya Kato, Ryota Takagi, Kaisei Sasaki, Nana Fujihara, Hirokazu Iwagoshi, Tomohisa Yokoya, Hiroki Sugiura
福井工業大学研究紀要 ( 49 ) 144 - 148 2019.12
Effects of Wearing a Compression Undershirt during Exercise on the Autonomic Nervous System
Toshimitsu Ebisu, Shinjiro Nishimura, Tsukasa Miyaura, Kazuki Yamada,
福井工業大学研究紀要 ( 50 ) 159 - 165 2020.10
Effects of Wearing a Compression Undershirt during a Deep Breath on the Autonomic Nervous System
Toshimitsu Ebisu, Tatsuki Mori, Rikako Kataoka, Tomohisa Yokoya, Takahiko Sakazaki,,
福井工業大学研究紀要 ( 50 ) 166 - 170 2020.10
The differences in health condidtion and lifestyle of business types with high and low diabetes risks
( 50 ) 214 - 222 2020.10