Doctorate of Science Coursework ( 2003.9 Tohoku University )
Updated on 2024/08/30
Doctorate of Science Coursework ( 2003.9 Tohoku University )
Radar Meteorology
Earth and Planetary Science
Radio Astronomy
Natural Science / Human geosciences
Natural Science / Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences
Others / Others / Meteorology, Marine Physics, and Limnology
Natural Science / Space and planetary sciences
Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Disaster prevention engineering
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental dynamic analysis
Tohoku University Department of Science Department of Geophysics Graduated
1992.4 - 1996.3
Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Department of Geophysics Doctor's Course Accomplished credits for doctoral program
- 2003.3
Fukui University of Technology Associate Professor
2010.4 - 2014.3
Fukui University of Technology Professor
2014.4 - 2015.3
Fukui University of Technology Professor
Fukui University of Technology Professor
Fukui University of Technology Professor
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
A project useful for starry sky protection by collaboration between night time artificial light observation from space and night sky brightness observation on the ground Reviewed
Tomoyuki NAKAJO,Shusaku YAMAURA,Fumiki ONOMA,Mayuko SHIBAYAMA,Takashi AOYAMA,Yoshinobu KATO,Yasutake ITO,and Hideyuki KATO
Possibility of starry sky tourism by green mobility in Fukui prefecture Reviewed
50 ( 1 ) 3 - 9 2019.11
Observational study on precipitation patterns in the Fukui plain by using weather radar and wind profiler radars Reviewed
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Masayuki Yamamoto, Hashiguchi Hiroyuki
Proceedings of ISAP2016 2A3 ( 3 ) 138 - 139 2016.10
Simultaneous observations of tropospheric turbulence from radiosondes using Thorpe analysis and the VHF MU radar Reviewed
H. Luce, R. Wilson, F. Dalaudier, H. Hashiguchi, N. Nishi, Y. Shibagaki, and T. Nakajo
Radio Science 49 1106 - 1123 2014.11
Initial observation results of local ciuculation in Fukui plain by using a 1.3 GHz wind profiler radar
( 44 ) 31 - 38 2014.5
Measurements of leaked emissions by In-House broadband powerline communications in a case of usual Japanese wooden house Reviewed
112 ( 468 ) 37 - 42 2013.3
Occurrence probability of Jovian decametric radiation observed by short baseline interferometer system in Fukui University of Technology Reviewed
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Kazumi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Oya
Proceedings of International Symposium on Planetary Science 2011, in printing 2013
Operation Results of Cubesat RAIKO Released from International Space Station Reviewed
The proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (29th ISTS) 2013
Vertical flow in atmospheric boundary layer observed by a lower troposphere radar under clear air condition Reviewed
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Kenji Sasaki, Yuki Ogura, Yoichiro Saito, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Manabu D. Yamanaka, Shoichiro Fukao
The Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar 126 - 130 2013
A prospective view of HF-band radio observation system in Awara campus by introducing a software-defined radio
( 42 ) 60 - 65 2012.6
The observation system and roadmap of LLFAST:The Lunar Low Frequency Astronomy Telescope Reviewed
T.Iwata,H.Takeuchi,H.Noda,K.Imai,H. Misawa,T.Kondo,T.Nakajo,N.Kawano
Proceedings of 2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Conference(AP-RASC) J3-3 2010.7
500 km-class dual frequency VLBI observation of Jovian decameter radiation Reviewed
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Takayuki Ono,Hiroshi Oya, Masahide Iizima
Proceedings of 2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Conference(AP-RASC) 2010.7
A Sampler Unit Planned to the LLFAST (Lunar Low Frequency Astronomy Telescope) Project Dedicated to Moon-Earth VLBI observations Reviewed
T. Kondo,H. Takeuchi ,T. Iwata,K. Imai,T. Nakajo,H. Misawa,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto
Proceedings of 2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Conference(AP-RASC) HBCGb-5 2010.7
Tomoyuki Nakajo
A Project Useful for Starry Sky Protection by Collaboration between Night Time Artificial Light Observation from Space and Night Sky Brightness Observation on the Ground International conference
Tomoyuki NAKAJO,Shusaku YAMAURA,Fumiki ONOMA,Mayuko SHIBAYAMA,Takashi AOYAMA,Yoshinobu KATO,Yasutake ITO,and Hideyuki KATO
32nd ISTS & 9th NSAT Joint Symposium 2019.6 The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Observational study on precipitation patterns in the Fukui plain by using weather radar and wind profiler radars International conference
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Masayuki Yamamoto, Hashiguchi Hiroyuki
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
Effects of local circulation on growth of cloud/localized precipitation in the Fukui plain observed by 2 adjoining 1.3-GHz wind profiler radars and weather radar International conference
T.Nakajo, M.K.Yamamoto,H.Hashiguchi
EarthCARE Workshop 2014 JAXA, NICT
Observation of local circulation in north area of Fukui prefecture in Japan by using two adjoining 1.3-GHz wind profiler radars International conference
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Masayuki Yamamoto, Hashiguchi Hiroyuki
The 14th Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar (MST14/iMST1) National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Observation of local circulation in north area of Fukui prefecture by using two adjoining 1.3-GHz wind profiler radars
NAKAJO, Tomoyuki, YAMAMOTO Masayuki, AOYAMA Takashi, HASHIGUCHI Hiroyuki, UJIHASHI Yasuyuki
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014
Observation of the atmospheric boundary layer in Hokuriku area using satellite remote sensing and Wind Profiler Radar on ground
Takashi Aoyama, Tomoyuki Nakajo, Haruki Suga
Objective detection of weak Jovian decametric radiation by using a short baseline interferometer system
T. Nakajo, T. Aoyama and H. Oya
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013
Measurements of leaked emissions by In-House broadband powerline communications in a case of usual Japanese wooden house
IEICE Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility
New insights into small-scale tropospheric turblence from original radar and balloon data analyses
H.Luce, R. wilson, H.Hashiguchi, F.Daraudier, N.Nishi, T. Nakajo, Y. Shibagaki, M.Yabuki, J. Furumoto
地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会第131回講演会 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会
Overview of a satellite earth station with 10m parabola antenna at Awara campus in Fukui University of Technology
Nakajo Tomoyuki, Aoyama Takashi
evelopment of HF-VHF Band Radio Observation System based on Software Defined Radio in Fukui University of Technology International conference
Tomoyuki NAKAJO, Takashi AOYAMA
AOGS-AGU Joint Assembly 2012 Asia Oceania Geoscience Society
Vertical flow in atmospheric boundary layer observed by a lower troposphere radar under clear air condition International conference
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Kenji Sasaki, Yuki Ogura, Yoichiro Saito, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Manabu D.Yamanaka, Shoichiro Fukao
The 13th workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Small scale turbulence and instabilities observed simultaneously by radiosondes and the MU radar. International conference
R. Wilson, H. Luce, H. Hashiguchi, F. Dalaudier, S. Fukao, , T. Nakajo, Y. Shibagaki, M. Yabuki, J. Furumoto
The 13th workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics
A new field campaign for tropospheric turbulence studies with the MU radar and intensive insitu observations with RS92G Vaisala radiosondes International conference
H. Luce,R. Wilson, F. Dalaudier, N. Nishi, S. Fukao, M. Yabuki, H. Hashiguchi, J. Furumoto, Y. Shibagaki, T. Nakajo
The 13th workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Occurrence probability analyses of Jovian decametric radiation based on 3 short baselines
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Kazumi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Oya
JpGU Meeting 2011
Occurrence probability of Jovian decametric radiation observed by short baseline interferometer system in Fukui University of Technology International conference
Tomoyuki Nakajo, Kazumi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Oya
International Symposium of Planetary Science 2011 Planetary and Space Physics Group, Geophysical Institute, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
福井工業大学におけるあけぼの(EXOS-D)衛星からの電波受信・データ取得とPWSデータ解析 International conference
平成22年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会 電気関係学会北陸支部
The observation system and roadmap of LLFAST:The Lunar Low Frequency Astronomy Telescope International conference
T.Iwata,H.Takeuchi H.Noda,K.Imai,H. Misawa,T.Kondo,T.Nakajo,N.Kawano
2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference International Union of Radio Science
500 km-class dual frequency VLBI observation of Jovian decameter radiation International conference
T. Nakajo,T. Ono,H. Oya,M. Iizima
2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference International Union of Radio Science
A Sampler Unit Planned to the LLFAST (Lunar Low Frequency Astronomy Telescope) Project Dedicated to Moon-Earth VLBI Observations International conference
T. Kondo,H. Takeuchi ,T. Iwata,K. Imai,T. Nakajo,H. Misawa,F. Tsuchiya,A. Kumamoto
2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference International Union of Radio Science
Observation of Jovian decametric radiation by domestic e-VLBI network
Imai Kazumasa, Kuzuoka Hidenori, Azuma Junpei, Kondo Tetsuro, Ishii Atsutoshi, Misawa Hiroaki, Tsuchiya Fuminori, Nakajo Tomoyuki
JpGU Meeting 2010
Detection of temporal variation of Jovian decametric radiation sources by delay time analysis in VLBI observation
Nakajo Tomoyuki, Kondo Tetsuro, Imai Kazumasa, Misawa Hiroaki, Tsuchiya Fuminori
JpGU Meeting 2010
Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering Practice Ⅱ
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Special Lecture on Communication System
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Advanced Cosmic Radio Observation Technology
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
The Study of Creative Thinking on Science
Institution:Fukui University of Technology
Research for Graduation
Institution:Fukui University of Technology